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What is AMPS?


Advanced Mobile Payment Solution (AMPS)

  • AMPS is a complete turn-key electronic payment system for the Mobile Market

  • Enhanced Near Field Communications “eNFC”

  • eNFC has the foundation to become a global standard

  • A proven success in Asia and South Eastern Europe with over 10M users in 2 years.


How does it work?

AMPS consist of three major components.

Mobile Users

Customized SIM card from Mobile Operator

Point of Sales

New point of sales machine or retrofitted system which works with the eNFC devices.

Payment Services

These are the backend payment gateways which need to be configured by operators to enable the movement of payment information

AMPS is a proprietary technology that leverages both RFID and NFC.

Can transform virtually any mobile phone into an e-wallet with customized SIM.

Use your mobile phone to tap-to-pay.

Great for public transportation, convenience stores, service kiosks, etc.

State of the art bank-grade security.